Welcome to Faircare!

Faircare & CDE pharmacy carries the best pharmaceutical products, well-educated staff and improved buying power for the benefit of our customers, operating as a regular full-service pharmacy.

Faircare & CDE pharmacy offers a trusting and strong relationship with our customers, helping you make your healthcare decisions stress-free and effective. Our caring team of professionals have your well-being at heart. We work with our customers, not just for them. We do this with personable, human service, consultation and free advice (you will never have to pay to ask a simple question). Our priority is your health, ahead of your purchase. Our customers are more than just that; they are our community.

But, what is ‘CDE’? Well, we'll tell you. CDE stands for Canadian Diabetes Educator. That means that our pharmacy specializes in educating our clients about the management of diabetes and its symptoms. A CDE certification – nationally mandated by the Canadian Diabetes Educator Certification Board – verifies that an individual possesses knowledge, skills and abilities, to effectively practice specialized diabetes treatment and education. This specialization makes us an invaluable resource for those with diabetes. Continue to visit our website for ongoing promotions and details about the pharmacy's many exceptional services.

"Health is the most important thing you have in life!"

Contact us now to help you manage your medications.